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June 14, 2021

Interview with the Maryland Voices Top 3 Award Winners

Mary Samokhvalova

The Maryland Voices Top 3 Award is designed to recognize three writing pieces that display exemplary mastery of creative nonfiction. I conducted an interview with the authors of the winning pieces (and this year’s honorable mention) so you could get more insight into the voice behind the words.

Emily Metheny, Author of “Parkside Terror”

Emily Metheny

Hello! Could you please introduce yourself?

Hi! My name is Emily Metheny. I’m in eleventh grade at Allegany High School. My passions, besides writing, include mock trial, piano, and student government.

How did you learn about Maryland Voices and what or who inspired you to submit?

I learned about Maryland Voices from my teacher Mrs. Dunlap. She’s the one who inspired me to enter this competition.

Why did you choose to write specifically about the situation you told us in your winning piece “Parkside Terror”?

To be honest, I wrote this piece as a therapy of sorts. I had all of these confusing thoughts and emotions regarding the events depicted, most prominently guilt. It was never written for any purpose other than to sort through my feelings, but the opportunity to share my experiences presented itself.

What does it mean to be a top 3 published author to you?

It means so much to me to be a top 3 published author. Writing is something I’m extremely passionate about, and it is so exhilarating to be distinguished in this way.

Is there anything else you would like our audience to know?

Don’t give up. I know it sounds cheesy, but it’s true; I lost a writing competition mere weeks before entering this one. Writing is subjective, so don’t be disheartened if you don’t succeed at first. Everything happens for a reason, and when the time is right, you will succeed.

Alicia Ribeiro, Author of “Carrying Umma”

Alicia Ribeiro

Hello! Could you please introduce yourself?

Hello, my name is Alicia Ribeiro. I’m a human being who likes to write sometimes but is really just trying her hardest to be a human being.

How did you learn about Maryland Voices and what or who inspired you to submit?

I learned about Maryland Voices in a meeting of a group organized through the school called Creative Mind Types. This group is a safe space for artists, writers, poets, musicians and anyone else who takes part in any type of creative expression. The supervisor of the group, Ms. Cecily Cooper inspired me to submit by showing us the application form and letting us know about the opportunity. Although I joined late in my senior year, this group has impacted me so strongly by helping me feel as though my voice is valued. The deep, intimate conversations we have about life, struggle, and love are so important to me and help me better understand myself and others. I hope I always have a support system like this group.

Why did you choose to write specifically about the situation you told us in your winning piece “Carrying Umma”?

Writing about my insecurities is a way to embrace and discover them. I recently felt insecure about my relationship with my mother because last year she started experiencing many health issues and I felt as though my coping methods were unproductive and selfish. I doubted my ability to care for and love my mother. This experience in the context of the coronavirus pandemic felt as though it could be both timely and universal. Although we are currently facing a health crisis unlike anything ever before, the themes of love, illness and family are eternal.

What does it mean to be a top 3 published author to you?

Let’s break this down because it’s a lot. First of all published author. Wow. I’ve wanted to be an author ever since I was in kindergarten and picked up some crayons and taped some papers together to make a book. I always thought it was an unrealistic dream because STEM was always pushed on me as having all of the jobs of the future and I’ve been told that not everyone has what it takes to be a writer. Now that I have the title “published author” it really adds to my identity and affirms what I already knew as a creative writer. Being in the top three was certainly a surprise because I know that there are many incredibly gifted writers in the state of Maryland. I’m honored that my piece in particular stood out to the readers and that I was able to evoke feelings through my craft.

Is there anything else you would like our audience to know? 

First of all I’d like you to know that we’re okay! My mom is fully vaccinated and has a whole team of chiropractors, functional doctors, therapists and more working on her. I’ve learned a lot through the experience I wrote about and I learned that you don’t have to be ashamed of your coping mechanisms. We’re all at different places, we all have different pasts, the best thing to do is be kind to yourself. I’ve been thinking a lot about strengths and liabilities over the past couple of months and I’ve discovered that neither should be avoided but that leaning into your liabilities using your strengths has beautiful results. This is how we use our pain to build bridges to other people.

Riya Seth, Author of “Taking a Stand”

Riya Seth

Hello! Could you please introduce yourself?

My name is Riya Seth and I’m a junior at River Hill High School. I’m passionate about using my voice to improve my community. I’m a member of the National Organization for Women and I run a local chapter. I’m also the student voice liaison for my high school and a state champion wrestler. As I progressed in wrestling, I realized that there were issues of harassment and misogyny. I ended up working with a local Title 9 officer to fix local issues, and began working to create larger scale changes to protect girls and other marginalized groups in coed sports. Some of my efforts include working with state athletic associations and delegates to create/ lobby for legislation. Because of my work, I’m also a member on the US Center for SafeSport Youth Advisory Board.

How did you learn about Maryland Voices and what or who inspired you to submit?

My English teacher, Ms. Curry, shared information about the Maryland Voices essay competition with me and encouraged me to submit. While I was initially nervous to share my very personal story, I chose to do so because I wanted my story to raise awareness about the issues I experienced and hopefully prevent other young people from experiencing them in the future.

Why did you choose to write specifically about the situation you told us in your winning piece “Taking a Stand”?

As I’ve been working to help protect young athletes, especially young women, I’ve realized that most people haven’t heard of issues of harassment/ gender based discrimination in coed sports. In order to overcome the present challenges, it’s important to first understand and acknowledge the issues present. Sadly, my story isn’t unique. I’ve been in touch with dozens of young female wrestlers who’ve shared similar stories with me. Because so many of them are scared to speak up, I feel responsible to use my voice for us all. 

What does it mean to be a top 3 published author to you?

I’m so grateful to be a top 3 published author. I’ve always been passionate about using my voice to fix injustices I see, and so I’m very thankful for the opportunity for my story to be read by people from across the state. The issues in coed sports are greater than my individual story, so I’m very glad to increase the visibility of this issue. 

Is there anything else you would like our audience to know?

I’m currently in the process of working with a few state delegates, Delegate Ariana Kelly and Vanessa Atterbeary, to create and propose legislation to protect young athletes. Support for that legislation will be highly beneficial and if you’re interested in joining the fight, please email us at

This year, I (the Editor-in-Chief) wanted to recognize another outstanding piece with the Honorable Mention to the Maryland Voices Top 3 Award: “Walking Through Paint” by Jasmine Kwok.

Jasmine Kwok, Author of “Walking Through Paint”

Jasmine Kwok

Hello! Could you please introduce yourself?

Hi! I’m Jasmine Kwok and I am a rising senior at Centennial High School. 

How did you learn about Maryland Voices and what or who inspired you to submit?

I vaguely heard about Maryland Voices in my English class, but the creative nonfiction writing workshop was really what piqued my interest. As the workshop went on, I was more and more invested, and by the end, I knew that I wanted to submit a piece. The speakers really inspired me; they emphasized the beauty in creative nonfiction, which was a genre I never really looked into (shoutout to Mr. O’Brien for his awesome speech). However, if it weren’t for my friends going through the same process and encouraging me to keep writing, then I definitely would not have been able to maintain that drive. I also remember my mother sat down and helped me garner more cohesive ideas; she was super invested and excited for me to finish this story. In general, my parents always encourage me to strive for my best. Finally, this piece is very much dedicated to my uncle; without his painting and genuine excitement to read the final story, none of this would have happened.

Why did you choose to write specifically about the situation you told us in your honorable mention piece “Walking Through Paint”?

I definitely wanted to focus on a positive aspect during such a bleak time. My uncle turned his basement into an art studio and his new love for painting was contagious. My family and I found ourselves destressing through artistic mediums and visually, it was really refreshing to have that new burst of color. Painting was such a wholesome, safe way to stay connected with everyone and to this day, the walls of my room are constantly decorated with new pieces of art. They really stimulate imagination and creativity; I’m really grateful that my uncle helped unleash my artistic side.

He gave me this gorgeous painting that he made himself; it was of a cherry blossom tree overlooking a vast sky. I wanted to somehow parallel that to the inspiration and hope nature has also provided. Many nights, I would venture down to Centennial Park, running to an outlet of land that overlooked the water. I swear there is no place that holds such beautiful sunsets. Thus, the premise of my piece originated. I think I really tried to epitomize everything that brought joy over quarantine- simple moments watching the sunset or painting with my family- and there was no better way than to describe it all with color. 

What does it mean to win the honorable mention to the Maryland Voices Top 3 Award?

From what I’ve read so far, Volume XI has such a variety of stories; each evoke a different emotion and I’m just really excited that I get to be published alongside so many talented writers. I’m currently reading through all the stories; they’re honestly amazing so no matter the title or award that’s tied to each of them, I think this publication truly displays the immense amount of dedication put into each piece. I really hope that readers who go through my piece, are able to have a feel-good, heartwarming experience reading the piece. Perhaps they can think about what has brought them happiness over quarantine and really visualize it as they read. So hopefully, when more people read it, they can just sit back, relax, and enjoy the mixture of colors, sunsets, and art that I tried portraying in a whimsical, scenic fashion.

Is there anything else you would like our audience to know?

I highly encourage everyone to try pour painting at some point over the summer! It’s so liberating and even though it may be stressful at first trying to get everything right, you’ll soon learn to just let the paint flow. It truly gave me so much creative inspiration and I also love how it’s impossible to make any of them look the same. As for writing, I’ve learned that you can make a story out of anything you want; it can be as lighthearted or as deep as you wish, and I really love that about creative writing. Ultimately, letting the words just flow out naturally and cleaning it up later was what added fresh authenticity and originality. At the same time, my family and friends played such a crucial role in helping me shape and connect ideas. Sometimes, all I really needed for inspiration was to spend time with them, or watch another sunset, and boom, I’d have another idea and would just splatter it all over my paper!


June 7, 2021

We are excited to announce that Volume XI is now available on our website! Click on the file below or go to the “Read Volume XI: 2021” tab of our website.

January 25th, 2021

Maryland Voices Holds Virtual Creative Nonfiction Workshop for Maryland High School Teachers and Students

Maryland Voices held a writing workshop: “Get Your Voice Heard: An Introduction Into Creative Nonfiction and Submitting to Maryland Voices” on Tuesday, January 19th from 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM. Attendees had the opportunity to learn about how to craft creative nonfiction and submit to Maryland Voices from the experts. Hosts included the Maryland Voices Editor-in-Chief Mary Samokhvalova, Maryland English educators, a Maryland Voices Top 3 Award Winner, and published authors.

Don’t forget to put everything you’ve learned into practice — submit to Maryland Voices BY FEBRUARY 14th, Valentine’s Day! All of the information is here.

Thank you to our conference director, Isabel Choi, for helping make this event a success!

January 11th, 2021

Register for our virtual writing workshop “Get Your Voice Heard: An Introduction Into Creative Nonfiction and Submitting to Maryland Voices” by FRIDAY, JANUARY 15th!

We are excited to announce that we will be holding an online workshop “Get Your Voice Heard: An Introduction Into Creative Nonfiction and Submitting to Maryland Voices” on Tuesday, January 19th from 4:00 PM to 5:15 PM! This event is open to ALL Maryland high school teachers and students. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn what exactly creative nonfiction is, how students can submit to Maryland Voices, and so much more!

Attendees will have the opportunity to ask questions directly to Maryland Voices Editor-in-Chief Mary Samokhvalova, Maryland English educators, Maryland Voices Top 3 Award Winners and published authors.

Event details and registration information can me found via this Google Form:

THE PRIORITY REGISTRATION DEADLINE IS FRIDAY, JANUARY 15th @ 11:59 PM. Click on the link above to register. We can’t wait to see you there!

January 4th, 2021


We are excited to announce that we are spreading love for creative nonfiction by extending our deadline to February 14th, 2021 (Valentine’s Day). Send us your stories: we can’t wait to review them! To learn how to submit, click here.

December 29th, 2020


If you are a Maryland high school student, there’s still time to submit your creative nonfiction piece for review and potential publication! To learn how to submit, visit: SUBMIT HERE! DEALDINE: 12/31/20. Don’t wait: our deadline is Thursday, December 31st, 2020!

December 7th, 2020


We are excited to announce that we are accepting creative nonfiction submissions under 3000 words from high school students in the state of Maryland until December 31st, 2020! For the entire submission process, visit: SUBMIT HERE! DEALDINE: 12/31/20. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us here. We are excited to review your submissions!

October 19th, 2020

The Maryland Voices 2020-2021 Team!

We are excited to present the 2020-2021 Maryland Voices team! While we are not in the same room this year due to CDC physical distancing guidelines, we are united as one under our goal to publish the best creative nonfiction writing pieces by high school students! Please be sure to wear a mask, practice physical distancing, and maintain a creative outlet (like writing creative nonfiction!)

The Maryland Voices 2020-2021 Team

July 10th, 2020

Interview with the Maryland Voices Top 3 Award Winners

Mary Samokhvalova

The Maryland Voices Top 3 Award is designed to recognize three writing pieces that display exemplary mastery of creative nonfiction. I contacted the authors of the winning pieces so you could further hear the voice behind the words. These are their responses…

Chloe Ann McGeehan, author of “Puzzled”

Hello! Could you please introduce yourself?

My name is Chloe McGeehan, and I am a rising junior at River Hill High School. I like to fill my free time with clubs and activities that involve my community. I am a member of my school’s executive board, track and field and cross-country team. I also have seven siblings. Life can get hectic, but I always make time for reading and writing. Writing is an outlet, an opportunity to express myself, and reading broadens how I see the world around me – very cliché I know.

How did you learn about Maryland Voices and what or who inspired you to submit?

I learned about Maryland Voices from my English teacher, Ms. Curry. She made an announcement about a student-run publishing group that was looking for submissions from high school students. I was immediately interested. I’m always looking for writing contests and other ways to express my voice in a public and competitive setting. Maryland’s Voices was the perfect opportunity. I have never before been published, so the whole process felt new and exciting.

Why did you choose to write specifically about the situation you told us in your winning piece “Puzzled”?

I chose to write about my experience during redistricting because, at the time, it was a source of stress, weighing on me. The thought of losing my school, my team and my friends was overwhelming to say the least. When I saw that Maryland Voices was looking for creative non-fiction stories, I thought about the opportunity it would give me to voice my experience and thoughts on the matter, as it was very controversial. I didn’t want to waste the chance of being published on a story that didn’t matter to me, so I decided on a topic that was of importance to me and those around me. I chose to connect my experience with redistricting to my great grandfather to make it more personal and add another dimension to the story.

What does it mean to be a top 3 published author to you?

It means so much to me to be a Maryland Voices top 3 published author. I love to write and to be able to say I’m published, but I’m even more proud to be a top 3 published author. I will never stop writing, but the recognition and praise helps build my confidence to share my voice with the public, and not just myself. It’s daunting to put your experiences or opinions out there in today’s world of keyboard warriors, hate, and fake news, so having awards and accolades – such as being a Maryland Voices top 3 published author – to fall back on really helps young authors like me continue writing and sharing.

Is there anything else you would like our audience to know? 

I would like the Maryland Voice’s audience to recognize that writing isn’t exclusively structured essays written solely to pass a class and forget about later. Writing can be poems, creative nonfiction, or short stories that help us process the world we live in and express ourselves. I truly believe everyone should find time to write. As Maya Angelou so eloquently stated, “There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”

Daniel Yi, author of “Life of a Young Foreigner”

Hello! Could you please introduce yourself?

Hello, my name is Daniel Yi, and I’m a rising senior from Marriotts Ridge High School. I grew up in Maryland, but I’m originally from S. Korea.

How did you learn about Maryland Voices and what or who inspired you to submit?

My English teacher, Ms. Richards, told me about Maryland Voices, and she encouraged me to submit my writing.

Why did you choose to write specifically about the situation you told us in your winning piece “Life of a Young Foreigner”?

I chose to write about the situation in my writing because I was inspired by how hard my parents worked every day ever since we moved nine years ago. Also, my dad, who is a retired veteran from the U.S. Army, taught me about the importance of serving our country and taught me how this nation is built upon sacrifices of brave men and women. This lesson never left my head ever since I was a kid, so I wanted to incorporate these events into my writing.

What does it mean to be a top 3 published author to you?

I honestly did not expect to be a top 3 published author, but it’s an honor to share my story with such a historic and incredible organization. I hope my writing reaches other children of immigrants and motivates them.

JUNE 25TH, 2020


June 24th, 2020


We are excited to announce that we will be releasing Maryland Voices: Volume X on THURSDAY, JUNE 25TH, 2020! Everyone will be able to view it right here on our website. We cannot wait for you all to see our year of hard work and read the stories that Maryland high school students have to share.

June 18th, 2020

Q&A with the Senior Editorial Team Members.

Stefan Cehan

After working on the Maryland Voices editorial team for the 2019-2020 school year, these graduating high school seniors have learned what it takes to produce a creative nonfiction journal. From managing various submissions and juggling many deadlines, they have greatly contributed to the final journal. We asked them questions about their experiences and this is what they had to say:

How do you feel now that you’ve completed your work on the MV team?

“I am proud that I contributed to our team’s revival of the Maryland Voices publication. We worked hard to create a product that Maryland students will read and contribute to for years to come.” – Caleb McClatchey

“Now that I’ve completed my work on the MV team, I have this sense of accomplishment. I spent a lot of time being a part of something bigger than myself, showcasing the works of writers across the state. Knowing that I gave my time to something that will possibly last a lifetime fills me with confidence and pride.” -Jack Keane

“Sad that it’s over and we didn’t get to finish in person, but proud of the work we put in!” -Ellie Zoller-Gritz

“It feels great that all our hard work went towards a larger picture.” -Julia Stitely

How would you define the legacy of Maryland Voices and how have you contributed to it?

“The legacy of Maryland Voices will hopefully be that of pride and happiness for the people who read it as well as contribute to it. These collections of stories showcase so many different perspectives on a wide range of themes, and the world would truly be at a loss if this project ever stopped.” -Jack Keane

“I would define the legacy as just the beginning. I think our team was able to set a good comeback foundation for many years to come” -Ellie Zoller-Gritz

“I hope that this is the start of something new and will continue to inspire young and diverse writers.” -Julia Stitely

What was your favorite memory/experience of working on MV?  

“I enjoyed reading and editing the short stories that students throughout Maryland sent in. They were all unique and gave me a glimpse into the incredibly diverse perspectives and experiences of the student authors.” -Caleb McClatchey

“I loved getting to talk to other members of the team and collaborating and having fun!” -Ellie Zoller-Gritz

“Reading the different stories that Maryland students have.” -Julia Stitely 

How has this experience changed/shaped you are a person?

“After going through the process of editing and proofreading other people’s submissions, I now have a greater appreciation for the life I live. I’ve been exposed to an immense amount of worldly perspectives and I’ve realized that compared to my life, other people have faced tremendous hardship. Out of obligation and respect, it was, and still is, my job to make sure that those voices are heard.” -Jack Keane

“To become organized” -Julia Stitely 

Is there anything else you want our readers to know?

“We put a lot of hard work into MV and this is only the beginning. I hope everyone enjoys it!” -Ellie Zoller-Gritz

“Enjoy the stories!” -Julia Stitley

Maryland Voices has taught them a great deal not only about teamwork but also helped them experience the diverse ideas and immense creativity of Maryland high school writers. These seniors have helped revive the legacy of Maryland Voices. It is now up to us to carry on its name and continue giving the voices of Maryland a place to express themselves.

May 8th, 2020

Quarantine changed some of our plans but we are not letting it stop our publication! Our editors are hard at work (scroll for photos). Stay healthy and safe!

Mary Samokhvalova, Editor-in-Chief
Ellie Zoller-Gritz, Region 1 Director
Alexandra Valerio, Region 1 Director
Neha Rehman, Regions 2 and 3 Director
Mariam Abd-El Shafy, Region 2 Director
Tomas Germanas, Region 4 Editor
Jack Keane, Region 5 Director
Sunny Gu, Region 6 Director
Julia Stitely, Region 6 Director
Caleb McClatchey, Region 7 Director
Sasha Allen, Region 7 Director

April 30th, 2020

January 8th, 2020

We are accepting your creative nonfiction pieces under 3000 words for review! Our deadline is JANUARY 31st, 2020. Please view the video below for details.